
2019 SAKURA Exchange Program in Science is open for application. Please apply online and submit all required documents to the college office by May 17th. 

      線上申請Online Application: sakuraplan-88ad6.firebaseapp.com/sakura-index.html

    【補助人數Admission Quota10; 10 persons

    【補助項目Financial Support

      1. 機票 Airfare

      2. 生活費Daily Allowance :補助內容包括住宿費、餐費及交通費。Daily Allowance includes: (1) 7-day accommodation: (2) Meals; (3) Local transportation

申請者需為研究生(各系所學程申請資格見下表)。年齡需在40歲以下。Applicants must be graduate students(age under 40)from 35 countries/regions. Applicants must meet the qualification list below.

系所 Program

年級 Year

保健營養學系碩士班MS Program, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences

二年級 Second year of master program

保健營養學系博士班 PhD Program, School of Nutrition and Health Sciences


All current PhD students

食品安全碩士學位學程 MS Program in Food Safety

二年級 Second year of master program

代謝與肥胖科學研究所碩士班 MS Program in Graduate Institute of Metabolism and Obesity Sciences


All current master students

Application Deadline
Please submit all requirements to the college office by May 17th.

    【繳交文件Documents required

      1. 日本亞洲青少年科技交流計畫申請表Application form(Online Application: sakuraplan-88ad6.firebaseapp.com/sakura-index.html)

      2. 研究所歷年成績單 A copy of official transcripts for all previous coursework at graduate school. 

      3. 英文/日文檢定成績證明A copy of proof of English or Japanese proficiency

      4. 其他(:國際會議發表證明Other Supporting materials(e.g. a demonstration of international conference participation)